"The Pub" is the home of live music in Oneonta New York. It plays host to live music up to 4 nights a week (wed- saturday.) They have been booking up and coming jambands since the early 90's. The Pub has played host to bands like moe., The Breakfast, Conehead Buddha, Sam Kininger and Rezi. Oneonta New York has been noted as one of the biggest party towns in the US. The majority of people who attend shows at The Pub are students of SUNY Oneonta and Hartwick College.
Up coming shows:
Wednesday April 28 Funk Explosion with SUNY Oneonta Funk Bands Confunktajivus The Funkyards 10pm-1am FREE
Thursday April 29th I Work For No Man $3 cover 10pm-1am www.iwfnm.com
Friday April 30th Elements of Design Classic Rock Covers and Originals $3 cover 10pm-2am www.elements4music.com
Saturday May 1st THEM A new jam addition to the pub! 3$ cover 10pm-2am
Wednesday May 5th Cinco De Mayo Party with THE BREAKFAST Jammy's New Groove of the Year!!! $5 cover 10pm-1am www.thebreakfast.net
Thursday May 6th CLIFF STREET Homegrown Funkafied Rock 10pm-1am $3 cover www.cliffstreet.com
Friday May 7th The Silent Groove All live Jazz Hip Hop from Hartford CT 10pm-2am $3 www.thesilentgroove.com
Friday May 14th Oshe Funky Grooves 10pm-2am $3 cover
Saturday May 15 Barefoot Sunrise Dead Covers and More 10pm-2am $3 cover
